Friday 15 December 2006

Prince William passes out

In today's news, we hear that Prince William has taken part in the 'passing out' ceremony at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst after a 44-week course to become an officer in the British Army.

General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett described the passing out ceremony:
"The passing out ceremony has been a tradition at Sandhurst since the Battle of Waterloo. After a night of reckless binge-drinking, if the trainee hasn't managed to throw up in his hat, assault an officer of the Military Police and get himself tied stark-naked to an enormous artillery piece before he passes out, then he simply isn't the sort of person we want in the British Army."

1 comment:

Pants said...

Hey - that guy that passed out on the railway lines is wasted, er, I mean for no good reason.